If you’ve seen someone (or evidence of someone) you suspect is violating wildlife or environmental laws, phone the TIPP line at 1-800-661-0525.
For non-immediate assistance, use this online service to report the incident.
All information reported will be kept confidential. Cash rewards are available. You can submit this report anonymously.
Other ways to report an incident
Phone the TIPP Line at 1-800-661-0525.
A note about privacy
Personal information is collected under the authority of s.29(c) of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act S.Y. 2002, c.1, s.29 and will be used for the administration and enforcement of the Wildlife Act, Fisheries Act, and Environment Act and for evaluation, research and statistical purposes.
Information collected is pursuant to the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Wildlife Act, Fisheries Act and Environment Act and may be disclosed.
For further information please contact Conservation Officer Services, Environment, Government of Yukon, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2C6 or 867-667-5652 or 1-800-661-0408 ext 5652.